Gum disease pain

What Periodontists Do For Patients

Gums are essential to your optimal oral health and well-being, and this is where periodontists come in. Periodontists specialize in the treatment of soft tissues in your mouth such as the gums. They are therefore skilled and knowledgeable professionals who can diagnose and treat gum disease usually known as periodontal disease. Regular visits to the clinic are important in achieving and maintaining optimal oral health. Periodontists have extra education and training including the modern technologies and techniques essential in the treatment of periodontal disease.

What Is Gum Disease?

This mainly occurs when there is an infection around the soft tissues surrounding your teeth. This can therefore lead to inflammation, and it can cause you severe pain and discomfort. Gingivitis is the early form of gum disease and it is controllable at this stage with regular dental cleaning and visits to the dentist.
However, if left to progress, it transforms into a periodontist, which is severe and requires extensive and specialist treatment from a periodontist. Seeing a periodontist is an important first step, that will ensure that you are able to arrest the progression of periodontal disease.

Non-Surgical Treatments That Periodontists Perform

Root planning and scaling are among the procedures that periodontists perform at the clinic. These procedures remove tartar and plaque that has built up under your gums. antibiotic and antimicrobial medicines can complement the non-surgical treatments depending on your condition to bring about optimal oral health.

Surgical Treatments

Gum disease can cause a recession of your gums which might expose the roots underneath. Our periodontists can perform a gum graft. this involves taking some part of your tissue mainly from the roof of the mouth, which is then used to cover the areas where there was gum recession. A restored gum line can be effective in stopping the progression of tooth decay.

Visit our clinic to have a periodontist perform either surgical or non-surgical procedures depending on your case. You can also contact us if you have any further questions, and book an appointment at the clinic.